Charlottesville Derby Dames Contact Builder

The Charlottesville Derby Dames (CDD) are a 501(c)(3) non-profit roller derby organization that focuses on promoting sportsmanship and community by providing an alternative form of fitness and entertainment to the city of Charlottesville and surrounding counties. We believe that every person has a place within our league, no matter their gender, gender identity or expression, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability (including athletic or skating), culture, language, socioeconomic status, marital status, or philosophical beliefs.

The pandemic hit our organization hard, and we find ourselves still in a rebuilding phase. We are looking to establish relationships, build community, and bring derby back to Charlottesville better than ever before. To do that, we need sponsors and partners to help us, and would love if you would join our team!

Please contact if you have any trouble with this form.

For more information on the dames, please visit

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