Westchester Asian American Democrats New Membership Sign Up Form
Westchester Asian American Democrats (WAAD) is a recognized political caucus of the Westchester County Democratic Committee.

To become a member, please fill out this form then sign up by submitting your dues for the year.

Annual Membership Dues (renews every January) are $50; $0 with volunteer hours for students under 18 years and fee waivers are also available on request

Checks are payable to: WAAD, 6 Zinsser Way, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
or pay online: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/waad_dues

For any questions you can contact WestchesterAsianAmericanDems@gmail.com

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Email *
Full Name *
Full Address, City, State, Zip *
Are you a registered Democrat in Westchester County *
Best Contact Phone # (include area code) *
Are you a District Leader? *
With what city or town committee are you a District Leader? (indicate your Election District)
If you identify as Asian American or Pacific Islander please indicate ethnic background or heritage. If you are not Asian, please indicate "not Asian" *
Tell us the issues, policies or affairs affecting the Asian American community that are of interest to you and why *
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