[Company Registration Form] Latihan Industri Untuk Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana (LiKES) 2024
We are excited to introduce you to LiKES by TalentCorp, an initiative that enables Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups to obtain matching grants for structured internship placements offered at their premises to students of higher education institutions. 

Through LiKES grant, eligible employers can receive reimbursement for the hired interns’ minimum monthly allowance. For Phase 1 in 2024, RM5 million has been allocated to reimburse up to 10 interns per approved company.

To apply for LiKES, kindly complete the eligibility form to confirm your qualification for LiKES. Upon receiving confirmation of your eligibility, we will promptly send you a registration acknowledgement. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to potentially welcoming you as part of LiKES!
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Company Name *
SSM Registration Number *
Company Address *
Contact Person Information: Name *
Contact Person Information: email Address *
Contact Person Information: Contact Number
Which SME category do you belong to? 
Do you provide minimum RM500/RM600 allowance per month based on level of study tier per interns for a minimum duration of 2.5 month (10 weeks)? 
How many internship placement do you plan to offer this year?

How many internship placement you want to offer under LiKES?

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