Client Feedback Form
We would be so grateful if you would please provide us with some feedback about your experience.
We understand this can be a bit challenging, however, your perspective is valuable for our professional development and the help that we provide.
Any feedback passed on to therapists is delivered in a constructive manner.  
The more honest and constructive feedback the better.
Please note we do not respond to client feedback provided through this form, but our Founder will carefully review all feedback.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.   
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Section A
Your Name/Names  *
How many sessions have you had so far (an approximation is fine)?
Are your sessions still ongoing?
Have you had any online sessions? If yes, how did you find the experience compared to face to face counselling?
How did you find communication with The Edinburgh Counselling Service and your counsellor? Please kindly provide details where possible. 
Section B
This section is regarding your counselling sessions.
I am happy for the below feedback to be passed on to my/our counsellor.
The sessions with my counsellor helped me with whatever originally led me to seek counselling.
Based on my experience, I would recommend my counsellor to others.
My overall level of satisfaction with the service provided by my counsellor is:
Is there anything you wish had been different?
Would you like to make any suggestions regarding how we could improve our services? If so, please kindly provide details here.
Please use the space below for any other comments you would like to bring to our attention.
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