Alcohol and Medicine Quiz
Most of the answers to the questions below are from the book Doctors and Distillers: The Remarkable Medicinal History of Beer, Wine, Spirits, and Cocktails by Camper English. 

The quiz is meant to be fun, and be a preview of some of the stuff you may learn from reading the book. Detailed explanations of the answers- correct or not- are available when you click to see how you did. 
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The Old-Fashioned predates
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What medicine advertised that it “coats, soothes, relieves”?
1 point
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Quinine comes from which type of bark? 

1 point
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Which fluid was not one of Galen’s four humors? 

1 point
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Alchemists created distilled alcohol when trying to make medicines known as:

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"Fixed Air” was later renamed:

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The liquid that became known as the “water of life” was not also called:

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Which book involving alchemy and distillation was not written by a woman? 

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St. Bernard dogs have long been depicted carrying mini-barrels of what around their collars?
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Which Monks make Chartreuse?
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Europeans drank mummies infused in alcohol to cure what ailment?

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Historically, Gin and Tonic with Lime would be thought to cure everything but:

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Louis Pasteur disproved:

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Which part of the rhubarb plant is used in digestif liqueurs?

1 point
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The main bittering agent of cocktail bitters is:

1 point
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The law that made most snake oil medicines illegal was the:

1 point
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Which was not considered medicinal in olden times?

1 point
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Listerine was promoted for all except:

1 point
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Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of:
1 point
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Which soda was not created by a pharmacist?

1 point
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Click below for the results, and please keep Doctors and Distillers in mind to read yourself or to give as a gift to your favorite doctor, nurse,  pharmacist, bartender, or other fan of cocktails and medicine!
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