Peterborough-Nogojiwanong Pride Event Application
Pride Week is yours to create! If you have an idea for an event please let us know. If you need some help securing a venue or financing performers or speakers we may be able to help with that too!
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Pride Week 2024 includes Friday September 20th through to the end of Sunday September 29th.  Promotion of events will focus on those during that time frame but events on other dates may also be promoted. The parade, Pride in the Park, and related activities will be on Saturday the 28th if public safety regulations allow and we feel the events can be done safely.

Events that are accepted to be associated with Peterborough Pride will be promoted on the Pride Website, Social Media channels, and in the Pride Guide. Other promotion may be agreed to.

All event messaging must be inclusive of our diverse communities. No incitement of hatred or discrimination will be condoned. All Pride Week events must operate consistent with the Peterborough-Nogojiwanong Pride “Mission and Values” statements which can be reviewed here:

Peterborough-Nogojiwanong Pride takes no responsibility for events not directly under its control. Pride will only promote and support events that are planned in alignment with Peterborough Public Health safety guidelines found here:

Those hosting events must ensure that they have appropriate insurance coverage to protect themselves from potential damages and liability.

We encourage all event hosts to make their events as accessible as possible. For ways to meet this objective, please refer to the guidance on this website:

Please complete the form below with a description of what you are planning and any requests for assistance and we will contact you to discuss details.

Group/Business Name *
Mailing address *
City *
Postal code *
Contact person *
Email *
Phone number *
Provide a description of the proposed event, timing, and what the aim/focus is (if there is a website with supporting information also provide the address) *
PTBO/NOGO Pride will only promote and support events that are planned in alignment with the City of Peterborough’s COVID-19 safety guidelines found at
If you are proposing an in-person event, describe the measures you will be taking to meet the guidelines and protect the safety of organizers and participants.
Please describe any support or assistance you would like from Peterborough Pride to help make the event happen. This may include financial help with up-front costs for venue rental, performers, etc.
Terms and Conditions and Waiver
The applicant agrees to conduct the proposed event in a manner consistent with the celebration of pride and positive values of diversity in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning and 2 spirited communities.

The applicant has read and agrees to operate in a manner consistent with the Pride “Mission and Values” statements here:

The applicant agrees to assume responsibility for ensuring that those participating in their group will also operate in the manner described above in promotion and implementation of the event.

The applicant and the collective individuals this application represents, waive, discharge, and save harmless, Rainbow Service Organization, Peterborough Pride, its committee members and volunteers, The City of Peterborough, and all other insureds, OF AND FROM ALL claims, demands, damages, costs, or expenses in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to persons or property.

Peterborough Pride retains the right to refuse any application, without liability, that does not support the Pride mission, vision, and values or for other fair and valid reasons.
PTBO/NOGO Pride promotes events on it's website event calendar as well as using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media platforms. This ensures that the full spectrum of our community are reached. Do you consent to us posting your event on these platforms?
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I have READ, UNDERSTOOD and AGREE to the terms and conditions of this application. (Type in your name(s) to acknowledge) *
Thank you for your event application. Your application will be assessed and you will receive a reply shortly thereafter.

If you have any questions, please email

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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