The Climate Emotions Survey

We'd like to understand the many emotions of individuals working in the climate sector. Please help us know and understand them better through this survey.

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1. What emotions do you frequently come across among trainees on the topic of climate?
1 a. In reference to the previous question, how do the observations make you feel as a Carbon Literacy trainer? *
2. In general, as a Carbon Literacy trainer, what emotions do you closely associate with climate? *
3. Do you often narrate your experiences to colleagues or friends in the sector? *
3 a. If you answered no to the previous question, please help us understand why. *
4. As a trainer, do you think you are able to help individuals overcome climate anxiety? *
4 a. If you answered no to the previous question, please help us understand the reason. *
5. Would you like to share any specific observations as a trainer working with individuals in the climate sector? *
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