Request for Census 2020                       Promotional Items and Outreach Materials
Do you have an upcoming outreach event and need Census 2020 materials?  Please fill out this form (with as much time in advance as possible!) and we will do our best to supply you with the requested materials.

PLEASE NOTE: We have limited amounts of some items, noted in each.

Thank you for your efforts in making sure everyone in our community is counted!
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What is your organization or group name? Please provide us with your contact information to coordinate delivery. *
Where will your event take place? *
How many people are expected to attend? *
By which date do you need your items/materials?
Which promotional items are you requesting? *
Which flyers/handouts are you requesting? There is a maximum of 25 copies, per event, that can be requested.  If you require more than that amount, please explain. For a complete list of materials see the Outreach Resources page.
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