Library Assessment Conference 2024 Travel Award Application

We are glad you are interested in attending the 2024 Library Assessment Conference November 6–9, 2024 in Portland, OR. 

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, a limited pool of funds is available for Early Career Travel Awards and Underrepresented Communities Travel Awards to support costs associated with attending the 2024 Library Assessment Conference. Travel awards can be applied to one, some, or all aspects of conference attendance, including the costs of registration, lodging in the conference hotel, and/or food and transportation.

Any individual planning to attend the 2024 Library Assessment Conference who meets the eligibility criteria outlined below is welcome to apply for funding. To be considered, please submit a Travel Award Application via this online form. Submitting an application does not guarantee an award.

To request funding, please submit this form by Monday, July 15, 2024 at 5:00 PM PST. Notifications of awards will be communicated August 7, 2024

Eligible applicants will be evaluated against the following criteria
  • Ability to attend without award
  • Plan to develop knowledge/skills/abilities 
  • Intent to augment professional potential
For questions, concerns or requests for accommodations, please email:
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Email *
Name *
Institution/Organization *
Title/Role  *
If you are a student, note that here. 
Select the award categories for which you would like to be considered. *

Eligibility Criteria

Early Career Travel Award

  • Student enrolled in a graduate program at the time of the conference; OR
  • Library professional within the first 3 years of their professional careers.
Underrepresented Communities Travel Award
  • Student enrolled in a graduate program who identifies as a member of a historically underrepresented population group in the library community; OR
  • Library professional who identifies as a member of a historically underrepresented population group in the library community.

We define underrepresented populations expansively; examples may include—but are not limited to—BIPOC, disabled, neurodivergent, English as a New Language, and other populations that are underrepresented in the library and assessment communities.

NOTE: Applicants may elect to be considered for one or both award categories. 

Award Categories: Select all that apply. 

Please confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the award(s) for which you are applying.  *
Would you be able to attend the Library Assessment Conference without a travel award?  *
Personal Statement *
Please describe how attending the Library Assessment Conference will help you develop your knowledge, skills, and abilities and augment your professional potential. (Max 500 words)
Travel Support Requested *
Please indicate the travel support you are requesting. (Select all that apply.)
Response Acknowledgement *
By selecting "Acknowledged" you are acknowledging that you have reviewed and understand the following information:

  • Based on previous conferences, it is unlikely that we will be able to support all travel award requests. 
  • All applicants will be notified of award decisions via the email address provided in the form by August 7, 2024.  
  • If you are allocated an award, your notification will include a date/time by which action should be taken; if you do not take the necessary action by this date/time, your award may be re-allocated to another applicant.

If you have any questions about this process, you may email
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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