Share your story about free school meals for all!
We are advocating for Healthy School Meals for All NY Kids to ensure all students in our state have access to school breakfast and lunch, free of charge. We need your help to articulate the impacts this policy would have for NY's schools, students, and families.

Please fill out the form below to share your story. We aim to capture the benefits experienced from offering free school meals for all students throughout the pandemic, and the impacts of losing free school meals for all at the end of this school year, when pandemic-related flexibilities are set to expire.

*Please note*  It can be one sentence, it can be a paragraph — we just want to hear from you! Please do not worry about your writing; we can reach out to help capture your story.

Together, we can make sure lawmakers know the importance of school meals!

Sign up to join the Healthy School Meals for All NY Kids Campaign:
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