Midtown Farmers Market Prospective Vendor Meeting Registration
New to being a farmers market vendor? Curious about Midtown Farmer's Market community and culture? Have questions about Midtown Farmers Market or what it's like being a vendor? Please join Mo and Macy-Chau, Midtown Farmers Market managers, to learn about our market and answer any questions you have. 

The meeting will take place both in-person and online on 1/13 from 5:00-6:30pm. Please sign-up for the meeting below.
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Name (First, Last)
E-mail *
I will be attending the meeting... *
Name of the business *
Short description of your business *
What is your experience with vending at markets? *
Totally new to me
Very experienced
Optional: Please let us know below if you require any disability accommodations or needs to participate in the meeting. 
Optional: What questions do you have? What are you interested in learning more about? This information will help us plan our presentation to ensure it's relevant to attendees. 
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