East Frederick Rising: Frederick Pride Volunteer Sign-Up Form
East Frederick Rising is excited to be hosting a community table at this year's Frederick Pride Festival! We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us make this event a success. Please fill out the form below to sign up as a volunteer. We appreciate your support and enthusiasm!

Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Event Time: 11am - 6pm
Location: Carroll Creek 

Frederick Pride is rain or shine.
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Full Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Preferred Method of Contact:
Do you have a preference for specific tasks? (e.g., setup, managing the information table, handing out materials, table breakdown etc.)
Are you comfortable speaking to the public about East Frederick Rising and its initiatives?
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Which shift(s) are you available to volunteer for? (If available, please feel free to check multiple boxes)
Do you need any special accommodations to participate?
Do you have any questions or concerns about the volunteer role?
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number:
Do you consent to having your photo taken during the event for promotional purposes?
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