Propose a COVID-19 story
COVID (Re)Collections is a series from CLIR exploring responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by the library, cultural heritage, and information community.

We are interested in the challenges COVID-19 has posed to you and/or your workplace, and how you are responding to them. How has the situation affected your colleagues, students, researchers, and the other communities you support? How has the pandemic caused you to view and approach your work differently? What do you think is the lasting impact of COVID-19 on the field and on you as an individual? What are the responsibilities of cultural heritage and information workers now and moving forward?

If you are interested in volunteering a short piece, fill out the form below. CLIR accepts stories in a variety of formats including but not limited to blog posts, videos, audio files, and images. Blog posts and other writing should be 400-800 words; video and audio files should be under 3 minutes. You can also volunteer to be interviewed about your experience by a CLIR staff member—we recognize that not everyone has the capacity to submit a polished piece at this moment in time. After completing the form, staff will be in touch to discuss your proposed piece.

You can view other contributions to the series here:
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