Course Registration Form
The Wild Goose series is truly a work of the Holy Spirit. “Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit.

It is a 14 part series featuring Fr. Dave Pivonka and various interviews. Shot in various locations from Niagara Falls to the California desert, The Wild Goose invites viewers to an encounter, or a renewed encounter, with the Holy Spirit.

Pray. . . Come Holy Spirit. At this very moment, stop and ask the Holy Spirit to come to you.

If you allow him, the Wild Goose will lead you to a place of mercy, healing, peace, and presence. The Wild Goose series will help you experience a deeper relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit, and as you come to experience God’s presence and power, this very same Spirit will transform you and bring you freedom.

This series is an invitation to join Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR on a journey led by the Holy Spirit.

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                                                          Click below to watch the trailer.
Full Name *
The course will be run online via Zoom from 7:30 to 8:30 PM - MONDAYS - starting on Monday 6th February with breaks in-between for half-terms and bank holidays. Each session will include small group discussions and thought provoking insights to further our understanding and relationship with the Holy Spirit. Join us in this unique journey!

6th   - Ep. 1: God's Love Poured Out
13th - Half Term (no session)
20th - Ep. 2: The Breath of God
27th - Ep. 3: Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire

6th   - Ep. 4: The Spirit and Our Lady
13th - Ep. 5: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
20th - Ep. 6: The Spirit and The Eucharist
27th - Ep. 7: The Spirit of Adoption

3rd   - Half Term (no session)
10th - Easter Monday (no session)
17th - Ep. 8: The Spirit and the Sacraments
24th - Ep. 9: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

1st   - Early May Bank Holiday (no session)
8th   - Bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III (no session)
15th - Ep. 10: The Spirit and the Desert
22th - Ep. 11: The Spirit Convicts
29th - Spring Bank Holiday (no session)

5th   - Ep. 12: The Spirit's Freedom
12th - Ep. 13: The Spirit's Witness
19th - Ep. 14: The Spirit Remembers 
Please fill in the form below to register for the course and receive ZOOM links.
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Which church do you normally attend? *
This helps us when organising facilitators for small group discussions.
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