SWBH Charity Badminton Competition 

Event Date and Time: Saturday 23rd November 2024 12.30pm- 4pm (specific match details closer to time) 
Event Location: Wednesbury Leisure Centre
                             High Bullen, Wednesbury WS107HP

Costs: SWBH Mess Members: Free
             Non-mess Members and other hospital Trusts: £6 

All the money goes towards MSF and Your City and Metropolitan Hospitals. 

DEADLINE for form: 22th November 2024

Please bring your own rackets for the day. 
Parking available at the leisure centre. 

There will be a stall to purchase snacks and hot drinks available on the day (percentage of profits goes towards our chosen charities).  

Please make your payments for the event to:

Your place will be confirmed after payment is made, please include name in donation fee 
(SWBH members are free). 
If you are able to, we encourage any extra donations! 

Follow @swbh_mess for more information.

See you soon!

If you have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to contact: rachna.prem@nhs.net 
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Full Name *
Email  *
Contact Number *
Which hospital are you affiliated with? *
What is your job role/stage of training
Would you prefer playing in the: *
Do you want to sign up for? *
Preferred playing level (helps pair fair matches)? *
Please disclose any relevant health conditions that may impact your participation in the event. This will remain confidential and will be only be used to ensure a safe experience.

Do you have any health conditions or physical limitations we should be aware of?
I confirm that I am physically fit for participation in this event. I acknowledge that Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital Trust and event organisers are not responsible for any injury or health issues that may arise from my participation
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