This is the foster app for both cats and dogs.
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Email *
Your Full Name *
Your address *
Phone Number *
What type of animals would you like to foster.  Check all that interest you.
I am able to transport foster pets to adoption events and vet appointments if needed. *
What type of housing do you live in? *
How many pets do you currently own? *
Are you pets spayed and neutered? *
What type of pets do you have? *
Do you have a separate area for your foster during a quarantine period? *
Do you have young children?
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Are you willing to have someone from DNA conduct a home visit? *
Please type in any questions you have for us regarding fostering of cats or dogs.
I understand and agree to all information provided to me in my application process.  If the animal I foster is on medication I will continue the medication as directed.  I will not let the animal out loose by itself.  If during the time I am fostering the animal it requires medical attention I will contact DNA first unless it is an emergency.  I understand the foster animal is the property of the DNA, and I will not sell, trade or dispose of the animal. *
I understand that anyone interested in adopting my foster dog, cat, puppies or kittens (including myself) must go through the standard adoption process, and approval of candidates and placement of animals is up DNA. (Of course we welcome your referrals). *
I understand that although Dog Networking Agents takes reasonable care to screen animals for foster care placement, DNA makes no guarantee relating to the animals’ health, behavior or actions.  I understand I receive foster care animals at my own risk and can reject or return any animals for which  DNA has asked me to provide care. I indemnify and hold DNA free and harmless from all liability arising out of any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, action, judgment of every kind and description which may occur to or be suffered by me, members of my household, my own animals or any third parties by reason of activities arising out of this agreement. I release DNA from responsibility for any diseases that may be contracted by my resident animal(s) from the foster animal.  Please sign and date below. *
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