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What is C02-TRAFFIC-AI?
C02-TRAFFIC-AI is a policy-driven Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solution, where cities and citizens effectively collaborate in reducing CO2 emissions through a winning combination of Active Demand Management policies driven by Artificial Intelligence and User Awareness.
C02-TRAFFIC-AI dynamically processes environmental and traffic data to support both travelling citizens in understanding the emission footprint of their different travel choices and cities in implementing active policies for mobility demand management.
C02-TRAFFIC-AI empowers users with recommendations and options allowing them to make sustainable and effective choices, e.g. multimodal travel from home to work, tariff adaptation for parking and transit in CO2-heavy days, or parcel pooling across delivery carriers to benefit from environmental reward schemes.
Why this survey?
This survey aims at collecting opinions from relevant mobility stakeholders about the MaaS ecosystems and related dynamics, in order to support C02-TRAFFIC-AI in identifying suitable governance models for future MaaS solutions.

If you have any question, contact us at: ai4cities@martel-innovate.com
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