Libraries Transforming Communities Survey
The Booth & Dimock Library is seeking to understand the needs of its neurodivergent patrons and implement services and resources to make the library a welcoming and accessible space for everyone. Please take a few moments to fill out this survey and help to improve our library! At the end of the survey, you can enter for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. This initiative is made possible by Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities, an American Library Association grant.

All response will be used solely for the purpose of improving library services, and no personally identifying information will be shared with any third parties. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What has been your experience using the library?
What do you appreciate most about the library?
What do you think currently presents obstacles for neurodivergent patrons when it comes to utilizing library services and resources?
What services or programs do you use most often at the library? What could we add or change about our current services to make them more accessible?
Are there any services you think would be helpful to provide that we don't already? Is there any outreach we could do to make the library more accessible to neurodivergent community members?
What limitations, if any, have you experienced using the library?
Are there ways we could improve accessibility during our current programs?
Is there any new programming you would like to see?
Is there anything you'd like to see added to our book collections?
How might we make the library more accessible for all?
Would you like to be entered for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card?
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Email (required if entering to win Amazon gift card).
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