Hawaii County Homeless Engagement- Referral Form
This form is a referral to the Hawaii County Homeless Engagement Hui. The HCHE Hui will meet with people experiencing homelessness to register them into the HCHE Shared Database. Any Community Member or Agency can send a referral to the HCHE Hui. This form can also be submitted anonymously if preferred. 
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What does the Hawaii County Homeless Engagement Hui do? 
We are a collaboration of non-profits, volunteers, faith based organizations, and other community stakeholders. Our goal is to consistently engage with people experiencing unsheltered homelessness and connect them to available community resources. 

*Connectivity to resources is based on funding and service provider's capacity. There is no guarantee that the participants will be connected.*

Street Outreach is conducted by many of our partner agencies & volunteers at different times and in different locations. The HCHE will coordinate outreach efforts to meet with these referrals.

*The HCHE Hui is not a crisis response team. If there is an emergency contact 9-1-1.* 

If you have any further questions you can call 808-501-1413 ext. 107. 

Thank you for your understanding and partnership!
Name of Person Making Referral: 
Phone Number of Person Making Referral: 
Email of Person Making Referral:
Referring Agency/Organization/Business (If Applicable):
First & Last Name of Person Experiencing Homelessness:
Person's Phone Number:
Address or Description of Location of the Person: *
Physical Description of the Person: *
Is the person aware of the referral? *
Additional Notes for the HCHE Hui:
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