Participant Information
CEB Press / Power Cube Workshop Logistics
September 23-25, 2016
Factor e Farm
909 SW Willow Rd.
Maysville, MO 64469

This form is used to facilitate logistics for OBI&OSE workshops: arrivals, airport pickup, coordinating travel to and from Factor e Farm, accommodations, food, and other relevant information. Also, this is a quick assessment of your expectations prior to the workshop, and outcomes of these expectations after the workshop.  If you have questions, you can email us at info at openbuildinginstitute dot org

If you are coming as part of a group, please fill out a form for each participant.
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What is you name? *
What is you email? *
Which Workshops are you attending? *
Check all that apply
Are you participating in the work-exchange program?
If you don't know what the work-exchange program is or haven't discussed it with us before registering, please answer NO.
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Are you coming as part of a group? If so, please indicate the name of the person who registered your group.
What is your mobile phone number?
What is your Facebook page?
This helps us connect with you. Please join the Open Source Ecology Workshops group on Facebook -
The nearest airport is Kansas City International (MCI) about 1:15 minutes away from Factor e Farm. FeF is located in a rural zone and there is no public transportation of any kind in the area. We can pick you up from the airport the day before the workshop and drop you off the day after. Car rentals are available at the MCI airport if you'd rather not wait for pick up.

Since the round trip to the airport is 2:30 hours, we will pick up participants in groups. For example, if we have one flight arriving at 2 pm, another at 3 pm and another at 4pm, we'll pick up this group at 4 pm. The same applies to drop offs the day after the workshop. The KCI airport is tiny and there isn't much to do there, but it has a few restaurants/cafes and quiet areas to rest.

To the extent that it’s possible, we request that you try to schedule your flight arrival and departure times to mid/late-morning and mid/late afternoon. Everyone on site will be working hard and very early/late pick ups and drop-offs can be quite challenging for an already sleep-deprived crew.
How are you planning to travel? *
When are you arriving?
If you're flying into the Kansas City Airport, please indicate your flight's date and time of arrival.
When are you leaving?
If you're flying out of the Kansas City Airport, please indicate your flight's date and time of departure.
If you need a ride from the airport, please provide your airline and flight number.
If you're driving, are you interested in sharing (offering or requesting) a ride with another participant?
If so, please tell us more about your route. We will put ride-sharing participants in contact with each other - via email - so you can self-organize.
Participants may secure a hotel in Cameron, Missouri (15 miles away). Please note that there is no public transportation between Cameron and Factor e Farm and that we cannot pick you up or drop you off on a daily basis during the workshop. Car rentals are available at the KCI airport.

We have 18 spots for participants who want to stay at the HabLab—our shared-room dorm. There is no extra cost for staying at the dorm and spots are filled on a "first come, first served" basis. Please note that this a very rudimentary earth building and our accommodations are rough. The dorm rooms may be noisy due to late night conversations by participants. Factor e Farm is an experimental facility that is permanently under construction, so please gauge your expectations accordingly. If you want a more comfortable stay, we recommend that you stay in a hotel.

We also have primitive camping on site which includes a composting toilet. Showers and a bathroom are located in the HabLab and there is a kitchen for basic food preparation.
Where will you be staying during the workshop? *
OBI and OSE will provide continental breakfast and dinner. For lunch, bring your own or bring some to share.

We will also try to provide fresh, organic vegetables from our farm. However, this may not be available at all times of the year as it depends largely on crop cycles and season.

We will organize trips to Cameron's food store (a Walmart) or you can coordinate with other participants to go on your own. There is also a small grocery store in Maysville, which is a short bike-ride away from FeF.

We typically have dinner catered by local restaurants. However, since we're in an isolated area, the number of restaurants available and the quality of the food may not be what you're used to. There are only 3 restaurants in the area that do catering: a Mexican restaurant, a Chinese restaurant, and a Subway. Another option is for us to provide the ingredients and allow participants to self-organize dinner preparation (which means some of you would volunteer to cook for the group). Please let us know below which you'd prefer.
Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
Which do you prefer?
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If we do home cooked dinners, are you willing to participate in the cooking team for 1 meal?
This may mean leaving the workshop 1 or 2 hours before the end of the work day (only on the day your team is cooking).
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Participants are required to sign the OSE Liability Release. Please download and print a copy from

If you do not bring a copy with you, we will provide copies on site. This will be collected prior to the site tour. Feel free to sign the Waiver digitally and send it back via email to info at openbuildinginstitute dot org.
How did you find out about the workshop and what compelled you to participate? *
This will help us learn.
What do you expect to learn or what are your broader expectations from this workshop? *
Please comment for our learning purposes. We will review this before the workshop to improve the event.
Do you have any other comments or observations?
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