Lee Heine Advancement in Apiculture Scholarship
There may be multiple recipients of the award depending on funding.

please fill out entire form.
Name *
To be eligible to win this award, You or a family member or representative must be present at the Midwest Honeybee Expo on January, 26 2025. Who will be accepting the award if you are selected as a recipient? *
 Date of Birth *
Gender *
Email *
Address *
Phone # *
Are you currently attending? *
Name and address of current High School or College *
Major area of study *
What is your career objective? *
Most recent cumulative GPA *
High School or College activities, community activities, volunteer work, honors, offices held *

Your essay should be 300-500 words. You should address in your essay: your college goals and choice of major, what you intend to do with your education, and why a scholarship is important to you. Include any academic and non-academic accomplishments, personal characteristics, or experiences that make you uniquely worthy of scholarship consideration.
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