Girls In Sport Canada COACH Application
Girls In Sport Canada's programs gives girls an inspiring and confidence-building multi-sport experience that not only introduces them to a range of sports, fostering the development of diverse sport-specific skills, but also instills confidence, competence and motivation. We introduce girls to many different sports such as ultimate frisbee, soccer, basketball, flag rugby, volleyball, flag football and much more. Each of these sports are taught by experience coaches that strive to create a safe girl-friendly environment. We integrate confidence building activities during the day, crafts and group games to make sure they leave enjoying every moment.

We are looking for coaches to help run our programs! We have a wide variety of times available from after school sessions, mini day camps and summer camps. Please use the form to tell us a bit about yourself and when you would be available. 

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Dia Syed at
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Name (First & Last)
Phone number
What programs would you be interested in? (Check multiple if you are interested in more than one) *
What specific dates from the options you chose above would you be available to coach? 

We need coaches for about a 2 hour time commitment.

Tell us about your experience teaching youth.
What ages are you most comfortable teaching (Check all that apply)
***It is important to note our summer camps are offered for ages 5-12 years
With many teaching and coaching roles, including varying skill levels of kids, this position requires you to be flexible and change while teaching. Tell us of a time that you have done this before. 
What sports have you played or coached?
Do you have an NCCP training or sport specific coach certification? If so, please describe below.
Any other comments or things you would like us to know about you?
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