Matatalab Lesson 2.4: Function Practice
Please finish the questions below to finish a practice of using Function in Matatalab. Note: The result of this practice will not affect the result of your final quiz and the grade will not be included in the final assessment.
This practice could be around 10 minutes, you can answer these questions for more than one time.
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Which of the following placement is correct? *
1 punto
2. Which of the following can make MatataBot make the same movements as the shown program? *
1 punto
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3. Which of the following can make MatataBot make the same movements as the shown program? *
1 punto
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4. Which of the following program can make MatataBot move from the starting point to the end? *
1 punto
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5. Which of the following program can make MatataBot move from the starting point to the end? *
1 punto
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