Lice Rescue Intake Form
Fill out the form below to get in touch with a lice specialist. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Name *
Your First and Last Name
Please enter the best email address 
By providing your phone number below, you agree to receive text messages from Lice Rescue regarding appointments, scheduling and other updates.  Standard message and data rates may apply.
Phone Number *
Please enter the best contact number for you
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Would you prefer we email, call or text you?
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Address *
Please include Street Address, City, State and Zip Code
What would you like to schedule? *
Preferred Appointment Date *
Preferred Appointment Time
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Number of People in Household *
When did the head lice symptoms start? *
Names and ages of Household Members *
Please enter the names and ages of anyone who will need to be checked and/or treated.
Hair Length *
Captionless Image
Hair Texture *
Captionless Image
Please list any allergies *
I understand that hair must be clean and detangled upon technicians arrival. 
A $15 additional fee will apply to hair that is tangled.
I understand that full payment is due at the time of services and I have reviewed pricing. *
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