Booking Request
Please complete this form so we can best assist you with your simulation and learning needs. This form can be used for requesting rooms (i.e. lecture theatre, wet lab, simulation/breakout rooms, etc.) and equipment. Please allow up to 3 business days for a staff member to contact you regarding your booking.

To view VGH Sim's rooms, equipment and other resources go to:
To check resource availability go to:

Note: All room and resource availability is based on confirmed events and may change when staff are processing booking requests. Requests are processed in chronological order. Rooms may need to be shuffled at the discretion of VGH Sim Staff to maximize centre capacity.
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone *
Must provide a contact number in cases we have questions regarding your request/setup.
Organization *
Department *
Are you charging your participants? *
Express *
Click "Yes' if you require access to rooms, resources or equipment within the next 7 days.
Event Name *
Is this booking for an equipment loan only? *
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