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Email *
Name: *
Tell us about you:
Please provide a first-person bio/statement.
Do you identify with any of the following backgrounds: Black/Afro-diasporic (e.g., Caribbean, African, Black-Canadian), Indigenous (e.g., First Nations, Inuit, Métis), or any other racialized identity? *
If comfortable, please share how you identify in terms of gender and sexual orientation:
Your response can be as broad or detailed as you like. If you prefer not to specify, that's completely okay too.

Do you live in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada?

Brief Expression of Interest
Please share why you are interested in being involved in the "Stories in Ink" project. (250 words max)
Indicate what you would like to submit for this project. *
You're welcome to apply with writing (e.g., poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, etc) and/or artworks in any medium (e.g., painting, digital, printmaking, photography, mixed media, illustration, etc).
Would you like support with your submission? *
We have social workers from the University of Waterloo who can provide assistance to applicants.
Additional Information:
Please provide any additional information or specific needs you have regarding your participation in this project:
Consent to Contact: *
I agree to be contacted by the "Stories in Ink" project team regarding my application and participation in the project.
Acknowledgement *
I understand that submitting this form does not guarantee my participation in the project and that selections will be made based on the project's scope and objectives.
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