Bristol Immersive Futures Jam – Expression of Interest & Waiting List Form
Thank you for your interest in Bristol's 48-hour Immersive Futures Jam, supported by ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures and the Pervasive Media Studio, and hosted by distinguished visiting professor & artist in residence Stuart Candy.

We'd like to request a little bit of information to help us to finalise plans and resources to support an intensive weekend of making and activation (31/5 – 2/6).

Note: As of Friday 17/5, all seats in the weekend-long event are spoken for. If you would like to be added to the Waiting List for the whole event, you may still wish to complete the questions belowIf you would rather be considered for an attendance ticket to the activation part only, which takes place on the University of Bristol campus on Sunday 2/6 from 2-5PM, please note that in your response.
Your name *
Your email address *
What is your availability for the evening of Friday 31/5 (from 5PM), Saturday 1/6 (all day), and Sunday 2/6 (until 5PM)?

If you are mainly interested in participating in the activation component, which is on the University of Bristol campus on Sunday 2/6 from 2-5PM, please note that here.
Why are you interested in participating in the Immersive Futures Jam? 100 words max *
Would you be in a position to contribute £30 to help cover costs of food, production etc? (note: in case not, folks will still be able to fully participate – we're just trying to get a sense of how we can best support)
Let us know what skills and capacities you could contribute to the rapid development and production of an original immersive experience. 100 words max
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