Havana CUSD #126: Request for Parent Access to Alma
Please complete the following form in order to request an account for accessing your child(ren)'s grades, attendance, and other important information.  Please allow up to 2 business days to receive access.  It will come in the form of an automated email from Alma (notifications@getalma.com) to the email address you provide on this form.
*Access will only be granted for individuals listed as student's primary contacts in Alma.
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Student Information System
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Provide the name of child(ren) and grade level in which you are requesting access.  Please separate each child by hitting "enter". (i.e. John Doe, 5th). *
What is your relation to the child(ren)? *
Using numbers only, please enter your 10 digit primary phone number on file in the office. (i.e. 3095551234) *
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