HRA 2023 Hall of Fame Nominations
Please submit your nominations by June 15th
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Your name *
Your email address *
Your best phone number *
Your company *
Your nomination *
Email address of the person you are nominating *
Best phone number of the person you are nominating *
The company or companies the person you are nominating has been affiliated with
Number of years in the industry *
Categories *
What specific accomplishments or contributions has this individual made to the restaurant industry?
In what ways has this person demonstrated exceptional leadership skills within their company or within the industry as a whole?
Can you provide examples of how this person has gone above and beyond their regular job duties to improve the restaurant industry or their community?

How has this person shown a commitment to excellence in the restaurant industry?

In what ways has this person demonstrated innovation and creativity in the restaurant industry?
How has this individual positively impacted their company or companies they have been affiliated with?
Can you describe any challenges this person has faced in the industry and how they have overcome them?
How has this person shown a dedication to improving the customer experience in the restaurant industry?
Can you provide any testimonials or feedback from colleagues, customers, or others who have worked with or been served by this person?
How has this individual contributed to the growth and success of the restaurant industry as a whole?
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