Horses and HeART Workshop

Saturday, October 12th, 10:00AM-3:00PM

Adults, this one is for you only. It’s your turn to put on your play clothes and get ready for a day full of Equine Experiences and Mindful Art.

For Questions, Contact: | 720-731-6147

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By answering below I agree to the payment, return, and cancellation agreement of Mindful Harmony Coaching, LLC and Joyful Spirit Coaching LLC as stated below:

Payment is due at time of registration otherwise your attendance spot may be given to someone else, we have limited spaces available. Payment information can be found in the next question.

Registration closes one week prior to each workshop date or until all spots are full, whichever comes first.

If you must cancel, a refund will be given only in the instance that your spot has been filled by another attendee.  

Pricing: $75/person
Payment Type

Zelle can be paid to 720-731-6147

Venmo can be paid to @mindfulharmonycoaching with code 6147

I understand that this workshop is for adults only, those aged 18 and up.

If you are looking for an event for teens or kids, check for other events and services
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