Apply for a Scholarship: Paicines Ranch Learning Center
We strive to make our workshops accessible to farmers, ranchers, students and people working towards regenerating land and communities. Please use this short form below to submit your scholarship application. 

We will review all scholarship applications and will get back to you as soon as we can. 
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Email *
Name *
Affiliation (farm/ranch, school, organization, etc)
What workshop are you interested in attending? *
In a sentence or two, tell us how the workshop will benefit you and your work? *
Scholarships do not include lodging at Paicines Ranch. If you need a place to stay at the ranch or would like to camp, please contact or 831.628.0288 to book a room or to reserve a camping spot. Space is limited.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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