Assistive Technology of Ohio Computer Refurbish and Recycle Survey
Please help us improve our services by filling out this very brief survey about the computer you received through the A.T. Ohio Computer Refurbish and Recycling Program
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What is your name? (optional)
last, first
How satisfied are you with the performance of your computer? *
Choose the answer that best applies...
Which of the following statements best describes why you went through Assistive Technology of Ohio (AT Ohio) to get a computer. *
Choose the answer that best applies...
In what area has the computer had an impact on your life? *
Please indicate the one that best fits...
Which statement best describes your situation? *
Please indicate only one....
Overall, how satisfied were you with the services of Assistive Technology of Ohio in the computer-refurbishing program? *
Please indicate the level which best applies....
How can Assistive Technology of Ohio improve our services to you?
Please post any comments or suggestions here - begin typing in space below. Thank you!!!
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