Dana UAW Representation in Grievance Procedures
This Survey is based upon responses of those employed/terminated from the Dana Toledo Driveline Plant. This survey is not conducted by the Dana Facility nor those representing the Dana Toledo Union body, insuring your responses and feedback confidentiality! This study is strictly based upon the effectiveness of the Union’s grievance procedurals towards bargaining collectively and in good faith with Union paying members. 
Disclaimer: At no point in time will this information be used against any participating person in this study resulting towards retaliation, discrimination, termination etc. Feel free to answer each question with honesty and assurance that your response will not now or in the future affect your relations with Dana Toledo Driveline or its Union representation. The Facility & those representing the Union body will NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THESE RESPONSES. 
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Email *
First and Last Name 
Date of Birth (date/month/year)   *
Are You an authorized union member of the UAW local 12? (Have you previously paid any union membership fee via payroll once every month?)  *
Employment Start Date ? *
Termination Date? (Todays Date if Employed)  *
Name the violation of policy the company terminated you under/reason for layoff:
(If still employed leave no response) 
What Department Did/Do You Work?  *
What Assembly Line Did/Do you Work?  *
Did/Do you obtain a leadership role within the Company? *
What Shift Did/Do You Work ? *
What is/were your hourly wages ? *
What is your reason for filing a grievance with the Union? *
What Day was Your First Grievance filed ? 
( When Terminated the Union will send an automatic grievance Step 1 to Company without your consent) 
Were you given adequate counsel or progressive disicpline before the company resulted in Termination? *
How Many Attendance Points did you accumulate? *
How Many Written, Verbal Warnings Did you Accrue while employed by Toledo Driveline?  *
How Many Occurences of the alleged Violation of Policy? *
Explain Your Case and reasons for your grievance, also what corrective action the company should have resulted to: 
What Union Representative have you Spoke with Relating to your Grievance?  *
Has any Union Representative restrained, failed, or denied to take your grievance to the next step of the Grievance procedure?  *
To your knowledge What Current Step is your grievance procedure on? *
Did You Request a Reciept Copy of your Filed Grievance(s)? *
How Long Does it Typically Take for Union Representation to get in Contact with you pertaining to your grievance?  *
If or when you are contacted by Union Representation who do you usually speak with? *
At Any Point In this Grievance Procedure, do you believe your right to be represented in good faith was denied due to bias or pass issues with the Company or Union elected officials?  *
On a scale from 0-10 (0 being not at all) 
How Much Do you feel Dana Union elected members are in alliance with Management? 
On a scale from 1- 5 How Much Union effort do you feel was given towards your grievance/complaint?  *
No Effort
Maximum Effort
On a Scale from 1- 10 How Well Represented do you feel by your Union staff at Toledo Driveline?  *
Well Represented
On a scale from 1 - 10 How effective is Dana Toledo Driveline’s Union Representation in the handling of grievance procedures for the Union members? *
Non- Affective
Very Effective
Are You Aware that Failure to Represent fairly or process a grievance for an employee in which the Union is the statutory representative is a violation of the National Labor Relations Board Section 8(b)(3)? *
If You Believe Your Union Rights Have Been Violated you can file a Complaint with The National Labor Relations Board for further investigation towards your complaint. 
If you’re open to being contacted about your responses to this form, feel free to to issue a phone number and email most convenient to reach you at. Thank you for your participation! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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