Training Course "ToTO - Empowering Trainers and Organisers"
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Name and Surname *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Home address *
City: *
Phone *
E - mail *
Emergency contact person *
Name // phone number
What is your English level? *
What is your motivation to take part in this training course? *
Tell us a bit about yourself and plans for further involvement in youth work? *
What is your role in your sending organisation? *
How do you see this training course contributing to the work of your sending organisation and cooperation with YEU? *
Which is the training course you are applying for? *
Any specific needs that we would need to know about (food, mobility, language or sensory issues etc.) *
If you have anything to add to your application, feel free to write it here
I am hereby giving my consent to Center for Intercultural Dialogue and its partners to use photos, videos  and/or statements of me for reporting and dissemination purposes. *
I would like to receive the latest news regarding mobility opportunities by being subscribed with my e-mail address to the organisation's newsletter. *
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