TBM Interactive Booking Form
If you are interested hosting a TBM Interactive experience with your group please fill out the following form and one of our staff members will contact you about the details of the event. Due to the amount of interest in this new resource, we are NOT able to guarantee the date requested. If we are unable to accommodate your initial request we will try our best to work out secondary date options that work for both parties. Thank you for your understanding in this. We look forward to partnering with you in discipling Texas together!

Preston Cave
Mission & Discipleship Coordinator
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Name and Job Title *
Email *
Phone *
Church/Organization Name and Website *
What address do we ship the TBM Interactive equipment? *
Date Request (You might consider giving two or three options) *
Time of Day for Experience *
Estimated Number of Participants *
Do you have a large room with enough space to spread groups out during the experience? *
Do you have a way to show the Self-Guided Countdown video during the experience? (a television or projector for the whole group to view at the same time is required for this experience) *
Optional Add-On: Certified Facilitators are available to help during your event for an additional fee per facilitator. This fee varies per location and will include travel costs at $0.53 per mile for round trip + $100 honorarium per Facilitator needed. (Total mile amount depends on your location in relationship to our available Certified Facilitators)  *TBM cannot guarantee availability of this option  *
Are you interested in learning more about becoming a Certified Facilitator? *
Other details you need us to know?
By clicking "Submit" you understand that we are NOT guaranteeing the date requested. The next step is to have a conversation with a TBM Staff member about the final details. This form is a request, but the dates are subject to availability. Thank you and we look forward to a Kingdom partnership in the future!
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