【Cares Expo Taipei 2025】 Exhibition Application  參展報名表 
Dear exhibitors,  
The 6th Cares Expo Taipei is now open for exhibitor applications. The exhibitor who signs the contract first will have priority in selecting booths. Please complete the following application, and we will contact you shortly.


2025 Cares Expo Taipei
Time: Sep. 25-27, 2025 
Location: TaiNEX, Hall 1, 4F
Website:  en.caresexpo.com

2025 第六屆台北國際照顧博覽會
日期: 2025/9/25-27
地點: 南港展覽一館四樓
展覽官網:  www.caresexpo.com

敬祝  順心  
ĀnkěCare 創新照顧團隊 敬上

Contact number: +886-2-77296189 ext 110 (Lin)
聯繫電話: 02-77296189 ext. 117 (曾小姐)、110、111 (林小姐)

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Company Name 公司名稱 *
Country 國家別 *
City 地區(城市) *
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Phone number (country code - area code - phone number)
電話 (區碼+電話號碼)
Mobile Phone 手機號碼 (10碼) *
Market Strategy 市場規劃 *
Exhibitor status 展商身分
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