Application to become a member of the CES Credentialing Board - Identity Questionnaire

The following questions related to identity characteristics are being collected to assist the CB Selection Committee to assemble a Credentialing Board that reflects the diversity of CES and of the field, and reflect different perspectives. This information is provided by candidates on a voluntary basis (you are not required to answer any of the questions to be able to apply to be a member of the Credentialing Board. The information will be kept confidential by the Selection Committee and data from unsuccessful applications will be deleted after the selection process has been completed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CES Vice President, Beth Snow, at

Your identity characteristics, for diversity purposes.  This information is provided by candidates on a voluntary basis (you are in no way required to answer) and will be held confidential to the Selection Committee.  It will be used to help address the CES policy for Board composition-- see footnote below).   

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Full Name
In what language(s) are you able to review CE applications?
What best describes your gender(s)?
If you selected "prefer to self-describe" for the previous question, use this textbox to self-describe:
Are you an Indigenous person that is First Nations, Métis, Inuk (Inuit), or belonging to another Indigenous group outside of Canada? If yes, indicate below which group(s) best describe you.
Are you part of an identity group(s) that many consider to have been historically underrepresented at CES, based on:
If you selected "other, please describe below" for the previous question, use this textbox to self-describe:
Over the course of your career in evaluation, in what sector(s) have you worked? (e.g., consulting, government, NGO)
Over the course of your career in evaluation, what have been your area(s) of practice? (e.g. education, environment, health)
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself with the Selection Committee?

As per CES Professional Designations Programs Policies and Operational Guidelines (March 2019), Board composition will be considered in its entirety when selecting members.

  • As a core principle, the composition of the CB must reflect the diversity of the membership of CES and the field. Consideration must be made to seek and support candidacies who bring unique perspectives from diverse linguistic, cultural, ethnic, gender or Indigenous points of view.

  • Diversity also requires that the Board has a combination of members whose expertise reflects different evaluation approaches, sectors (consulting, government, NGOs), educational disciplines (economics, political science, public administration, etc.), and functional areas of practice (education, environment, health, etc.). 

  • Members from as many chapters and regions of Canada as possible should be included, with adequate capacity to review applications in both official languages.

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