Parent Survey 2016/2017
MaST is dedicated to providing a quality education for every student. Your comments and concerns are very important, since they influence the direction that our programs will take in the future. All surveys are confidential, there is no name or email address required to fill one out. We would ask that you limit yourself to one survey per family so the school can calculate the data effectively to make informative decisions without error. The results of the survey will be analyzed and discussed at a Title I Planning meeting on May 9th.

John Swoyer, MaST I CEO, MaST I ESP

Scott Balara, School Leader
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Do you have a computer/device with internet access at home?
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How often do you communicate with your child's teacher?
What communication methods that are best for you and your family? Mark all that apply.
Least Effective
Most Effective
Phone Calls
School Website
Home Visit
Text Message
Clear selection
Have you attended a school Title I Event? (Title I events are used to inform parents of their student's educational programs, provide educational opportunities and offer instructional assistance. Examples are Back to School Night, Conferences, Programs Night, PSSA Family Fun Night, etc.)
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Which of the following limits your participation in your child's school activities, meetings, or conferences?
Least Impact
Most Impact
Not Enough Information or Notice
Inconvenient Schedule/Times
Clear selection
Please mark the times that are most convenient for you to attend school events.
Least convenient
Most convenient
7 am - 3 pm
3 pm - 5 pm
4 pm- 6 pm
5 pm - 7 pm
6 pm- 8 pm
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Please mark the days that are most convenient for you to attend school events.
Least convenient
Most convenient
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Evaluate the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am kept well informed of the activities at school.
I receive clear information regarding my child's academic progress.
School staff considers my opinion when it comes to decisions concerning my child.
The school is parent-friendly.
Parents and volunteers have opportunities to become involved in activities that support the instructional program.
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Evaluate the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Parents are provided training and encouraged to work with their children at home through workshops and programs such as technology night, family reading night, etc.
Teachers show caring and encouragement when working with students and pay attention to student interests, problems, and success, both in and out of the classroom.
Students are provided recognition for success.
Students are provided with immediate and specific feedback and are continuously monitored and assessed (tested).
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Evaluate the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Physical facilities provide a secure, clean, and attractive setting where the emphasis is on academic achievement.
I feel that my child is safe at school.
I feel the school has an effective approach to handling disciplinary problems when they arise or are reported.
I am familiar with the School Parent Compact on the school's website.
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What type of training/programs would you like for the school to provide for parents?
Not Interested
Parenting Skills
ELL Classes
Special Education
Computer/ iPad Classes
Homework Skills
Math and Reading
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Other suggested trainings/programs for parents?
Would there be a specific professional development topic that you think our teachers would benefit from?
Please share any comments or suggestions here.
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This form was created inside of MaST Charter School.