Signal Mountain Nursery Seed Tray Pre-order 
This form is a REQUEST to preorder. Staff will call for payment to confirm your preorder.

Orders accepted before March 8th. Pickup estimated May 1st-12th. Staff will call when your seed trays are ready to be picked up. Any trays not picked up in the allotted time will be forfeited. No refunds.
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Celosia Sunday Mix

33-48" tall, plant 6-12" apart, multi-branching, plant in full sun.

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Celosia Chief Mix 

36-40" tall, plant 6-12" apart, pinch dead blooms to encourage branching, plant in full sun.

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Cosmos Sensation Mix

48-54" tall, plant 9-12" apart, 3-4" blooms, wide spacing creates stronger stems, plant in full sun.

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Zinnia Benary's Giant Mix

40-50" tall, plant 9-12" apart, 3-5" blooms, plant in full sun.

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Gomphrena Audray Mix

18-28" tall, plant 6-12" apart, 4-6" blooms, no pinching or support necessary, plant in full sun.

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