OFS Membership Registration Form
Registration to Out for Sport is free to all LGBT clubs within London.

Out for Sport exists to bring together clubs here in London at events (such as Sports Fairs and Pride) and cross club initiatives (such as joint parties at international events). Helping to support a thriving inclusive sports community here in the capital.

Information on the first page of this form will be used to update our main website with your clubs details.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Organization Name *
The name of your club you would like to appear on our website
Organization Info *
Please provide us with a short blurb on what your organisation does. You can include training times/locations/stand out events etc.
Main Sport/Activity *
Please let us know your primary activity here
Registered address or main training location you can be found at
London Borough
Contact Phone Number
If you're happy to display a phone number for enquries please provide it here
Email Address (General) *
What email address would you like general enquires to go to about the club
Email Address (Recruitment) *
What email address would you like members interested in joining to go too
Main Website Link
Link to your main website
Facebook Link
Link to your main Facebook Page/Group for visitors or new members
Twitter Link
Link to your main Twitter Page for visitors or new members
Any other Social Media Links
links to any other social media services your organisation uses
Any other information you would like to make OFS aware of please enter it here
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