Slo-Pitch Athlete (Adult)
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out the following survey. Please provide your honest responses so that we can continue to make softball enjoyable for everyone!
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Email *
What division do you participate in? *
How many years have you played a diamond sport? (baseball, fastpitch, etc.)
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How many years have you played Slo-Pitch? 
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If you played a diamond sport as a youth, at what age did you stop playing?
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What age did you return to slo-pitch?
What do you enjoy most about playing slo-pitch? *
How many days/week do you play?
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What kind of competitions do you play in?
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Do you volunteer in softball? *
If you answered no, would you consider volunteering for a softball related position?
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Do you umpire? *
If you answered no, would you consider umpiring in the future?
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Do you coach? *
If you answered no, would you consider coaching in the future?
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Do you have any children who play a diamond sport?
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Do you feel softball is welcoming and inclusive to all? *
Not welcoming or inclusive
Very welcoming and inclusive
What is one thing that would make softball more welcoming and inclusive?
What is one thing you think would make softball better? *
What social media platform do you prefer to use? *
What is your favourite brand of softball equipment? *
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