Friendly Neighborhood Raiders Application Form
Welcome to the FNR Application Form. Please check out the rules listed below, and if you're still interested in joining us, please fill out the form. Please note that WE ONLY RECRUIT PLAYERS WHO ARE 25 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER.

Community Rules:
  1. Do not advertise other Discord servers, whether in channels or DMs to our members. Doing so may cause you to be removed from the community, and that's the last thing we want to do.
  2. Be cool, kind, and civil; treat all members with respect and express your thoughts in a constructive manner. Hate speech or discriminatory language based on sex, sexual orientation, gender or race are strictly prohibited.
  3. Please do not stream on Twitch or any other publicly accessible streaming site unless you are in a channel created by a staff member for this purpose. DM BurntMike for more info.
  4. No age-restricted or obscene content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, real-life death/gore, or other graphically disturbing content.
  5. If you have an interpersonal issue with another member, please work it out amongst yourselves, or steer clear of each other. Staff will not get involved in these situations as it is expected that you are able to handle things like an adult. If someone is being majorly disruptive or disrespectful, let a staff member know and we'll take care of it.
  6. If you didn't kill it, don't loot it unless the teammate who killed it says it's all right to do so.
  7. Teamkills happen sometimes; it's part of the game. If you TK someone, please take responsibility for it and do your best to stash your teammate's gear. This also goes for if you shoot at a teammate, an enemy kills them, and your team is able to dispatch the enemy. If you gave away your position, you are responsible for your teammate's death, so act accordingly.
  8. When joining a voice channel, please view streams to ascertain whether the people in the channel are in a raid. If they are in a raid, it's your responsibility to stay quiet. If you use voice detection, please ensure your background sound is not leaking into the channel: this is very irritating for the people raiding.
If you found us on Reddit, please expect a DM to your Reddit account once your application has been reviewed and accepted. If you found us elsewhere, please expect a Discord friend request from @burntmike or @doktordotmpeg.
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What is your Discord name? *
What is your age? *
If you found us on Reddit, what is your Reddit name?
If you did not find us on Reddit, who referred you? If you do not answer this question or the one above, your application will not be accepted.
Please share a brief outline of your experience level with the game, and let us know whether you prefer PvE, PvP, or a bit of both. *
Please share what you are looking to get out of a Tarkov community Discord. *
Is there anything else you would like to add before you submit the application?
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