As part of the schools commitment to accessibility and social inclusion, a bursary Fund to the value of 12% of Gross Revenue (total numbers of students at standard rate) will be provided back to the community by way of subsidies to Membership Dues. These subsidies will include the Reduced Rate and the Staff Rate. In the event of demand for these subsidies being in excess of 12% in any year, the Rates will be reviewed. In exceptional circumstances the Board and School Meeting may agree to increase this percentage. The school is committed to the continuation of all existing student placements.
Families whose Gross Household Income is under €28,000 can apply for the reduced rate.
Children’s Allowance is not considered as part of the family GHI.
Where two parents are legal guardians but living in two separate households, both parents will be jointly assessed. If their combined income is under €41,200 they are eligible to apply for the reduced rate.
Eligibility for reduced rate places will be reviewed annually, families who continue to meet the eligibility criteria can apply again for the coming year.
Where selection is required the Admissions Committee and Registrar of the School Meeting have the authority to prioritise applicants based on the following:
1. Existing families currently in receipt of reduction, including siblings
2. Children of staff members who meet the eligibility criteria
3. Those with the earliest date of receipt of completed application form and fee
4. Those students whose families are on the lowest incomes
A Statement of Liability for the financial year prior to Enrolment will be used as criteria for eligibility for the Reduced Rate. Please note that in the spirit of fairness and equality, all incomes must be declared.