Registration for "Art Anonymous" Moderated by Haris Rashid and Dhan Illiani Yusof
Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat
Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Jean Arp
Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp

These are but a few examples of "creative duos" whose game-changing partnerships during the 20th century have left a significant mark in the art industry.

But how does one go about forming a partnership, or collaborate with non-artists to make great things?

In this next installation of 'Art Anonymous', come share your ideas with other like-minded artists and peers as we discuss the pros and cons of forming collaboration. Jointly moderated by visual artists Haris Rashid and Dhan Illiani Yusof, Art Anonymous is held at ZHAN Art | Space and is organised in conjunction with the Duality group exhibition.

Details of the event:
Date: 24 April 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: ZHAN Art | Space, The School, Jaya One

The venue organiser will adhere to the latest SOP and masks are required throughout the duration of the event.

Please note that a confirmation email will be send to all participants.
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Full Name (as per IC) *
Age *
Mobile Number *
Occupation *
Why are you interested in participating at Art Anonymous Meeting? *
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