Individuals desiring to address the board in person must read, complete and sign the
Request Form at the entrance table and will be allowed three minutes to speak
unless otherwise amended by the Board. For those participating virtually, a link can be found at: Public comment must be submitted through this link at least an hour prior to the beginning of the Open Session. Those who sign up may speak for up to three minutes. If you registered to speak for public comment using the online form, please sign in with the same name and email address that you submitted with your request so we are able to identify you and allow you to speak. Public comment time will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The board may extend public comment time at the conclusion of the regular agenda if the time at the beginning of the meeting exceeded fifteen (15) minutes and will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes after the conclusion of the
regular agenda. If a group of people are speaking to address the same topic, the board may require a single spokesperson for the group.
Speakers have the First Amendment right to speak on matters of public concern and are
limited to two minutes. The time (and a portion of time) cannot be given to another. If a speaker makes defamatory statements, or invades the privacy rights of a student or employee, the speaker is responsible for such statements and may be held liable. Comments will be interrupted only if the speech is so inflammatory it disrupts the Board meeting or is vulgar or obscene.
Laws protecting the privacy rights of employees and students prohibit Board members
and the Superintendent from engaging in a discussion of any employee’s performance or qualifications, or confidential matters related to a student. Board members may be exposed to legal liability if they violate these limitations. Therefore, if a speaker addresses such matters, the board cannot respond. It is recommended an attempt be made to resolve concerns at the lowest appropriate level within the district.
The Board will not read aloud into the record comments submitted in writing, but will give such comments due consideration.
I am a member of the Capital School District community (resident, employee, student or parent/guardian). I have read and agree to adhere to these guidelines.