Podcast Request Form
Thank you for your interest in hosting The Wall Printer's founder Paul Baron on your podcast. 

In today's media-rich world, choosing the right podcasts to align with is more than just a strategic move; it's a reflection of our brand's values and mission. We prioritize partnerships with podcasts that not only share our commitment to innovation and integrity but also contribute positively to their communities and our brand narrative.

This careful selection ensures that our collaborations amplify our message authentically and engage our audience in meaningful ways. It's about fostering trust and building a stronger connection with our listeners by being selective about the platforms we endorse and collaborate with.

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What is the name of your podcast? *
Who is the founder/main host of the podcast? *
On average, how many listeners do you have, monthly? *
How does the podcast's theme or subject matter complement our brand identity?
Who is the podcast's primary audience? Do their demographics match our target customer profile (entrepreneurs)?
How engaged is the podcast's audience? Can you provide examples of audience interaction, such as comments, social media engagement, or community participation?
Can you share examples of previous brand collaborations? What was the outcome of these partnerships in terms of audience feedback and engagement metrics?
How does the podcast handle sensitive topics, and what measures are in place to ensure ethical standards are maintained?
What is the host's background and credibility in the subject matter of the podcast? How does the host's personal brand align with our company's values?
Date Requested For Interview *
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