Personal Questionnaire
If you don't get an email from the Outsiders within a week, they should search in their spam and, if it cannot be found, contact
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I have read and agree with the rules and conditions for joining (Parts 1 & 2 above) We will reply by email within a week - so please look out for it! *
First Name *
Surname *
Email Address *
Postal Address *
Do you live in one of these areas (where we hold/might hold local lunches)
Home Phone *
Gender *
Age and Date of Birth *
Marital Status *
Sexual Orientation *
What do you wish to gain from  belonging to Outsiders, and how can we help you achieve this?
Are you happy to make friends with other members of both genders  and communicate with them even if what you really want is intimate love?
How did you hear about Outsiders? *
What made you decide to join?
Who do you live with? *
How do you feel about your living arrangements? *
Explain any difficulties you may have socialising *
What do you like to do on dates? *
What other clubs or dating sites have you tried in finding a partner? *
Have you had any bad experiences with other dating sites? *
Any Self-Help or Self Improvement groups or Life Coaching? *
In what way are you socially or physically disabled, please be specific and include hidden disabilities and mild learning impairment, mild brain injury or mild mental health problems? Please include all conditions, even if you think they are irrelevant. *
How do you feel about your body image? *
What is your ideal partner? *
Sexual Preferences eg: BDSM, Polyamory etc *
Preferred method of communication (e.g. email/facebook/phone/text/Skype) *
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