Mina Community Validators - Signup Form
As the Mina Blockchain comes closer to Mainnet, we'd like to foster a close-knit, technically proficient Operator Community in the Mina ecosystem. If you are operating a Community Validator, SNARK Pool, or some other kind of product or service on top of the Mina Blockchain, we would love to have you!

NOTE: This community is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by O(1) Labs, the developers of the Mina Blockchain. It is a community-run effort.

Member Expectations:
Members are expected to materially add to the community and should have a healthy mutual respect for all members. No form of harassment or derogatory language will be tolerated and will be met with a swift ban.

Real names must be disclosed to the Moderators, Anons are not permitted.

Signing Up:
So as to keep the material discussed in this community relevant and highly technical, the community is initially restricted to invite-only. Individuals may express interest in joining through this interest form, or by being nominated by an existing member.
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What is your real name? *
What timezone are you located in? *
What is your preferred method of contact? *
What is your Discord handle? (ex. username#1234 *
What is your email address?
What is your (personal or company) Twitter handle?
If you are a developer, please include your Github profile or public repository.
What kind of third-party service will you be operating on Mina Mainnet?
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What is the name of your produce or service? *
What is the web address of your product or service, if applicable?
Do you run (or plan to run) any services on blockchains *other* than Mina? If so, provide a list.
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