Burning Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Burning Regulations:
- This permit is for residential burns only. The permit is valid for thirty (30) days, during which time you are allowed three (3) burns. Keep your permit at the burning location. The District maintains a record of all burn permits issued.
- Per the Red Rock Village Codes & Regulations Section 3.3, residential burn permits will NOT be issued in the Red Rock Village area.
- Permittee must be a person age 18 or older and knowledgeable in the use of fire extinguishing equipment AND must be present at all time during the burn.
- Prior to burning, the permittee shall verify that no conditions exist under which burning is prohibited. Take special note of the annual burn ban period which will be prominently posted on the District website.
- Burning shall not be conducted when winds exceed 10 mph, during any high air quality advisory, or when burning would create a nuisance offensive to occupants of surrounding properties.
- The pile must not exceed 4 feet in diameter. A margin of 10 feet of bare soil must exist in all directions beyond the burn pile margin. The location for open burning must be at least 50 feet from any structure.
- Water and other fire equipment/manpower shall be available at the burn site, i.e., water hose, shovel, etc.
- Materials shall be readily combustible and piled. No burning shall be started using any flammable liquids.
- The fire shall be attended at all times and shall be totally extinguished upon completion of the burn. The fire shall not be allowed to smolder.
- Persons wishing to burn large piles (larger than five [5] feet in diameter), or materials that produce dense smoke or odor, may only do so if they are eligible to obtain an agricultural burn permit from Avra Valley Fire District and may need to contact Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) by calling 1-800-234-5677, ext. 2326.
Violation of the permit conditions or failure to obtain a permit may result in the issuance of a citation or fine in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code, Sections 105.6.32, Section 110.3, and Section 307.
Permittee accepts this permit subject to the terms outlined herein; this permit will not relieve the permittee from complying with all other applicable legal requirements; the undersigned permittee acknowledges full liability for any unexpected consequences of a fire authorized by this permit. At a minimum, such liability could include the cost of response by the fire district to bring a fire under control or to protect life and property. If the permittee is a property tenant ONLY, the permittee attests that expressed consent has been obtained from property owner to apply for the burn permit, and further acknowledges that liability may be shared between the permittee and the property owner.
First and Last Name: