さわちオードブル予約フォーム/  Party dish plates booking form
We do not provide meals at the vacation rental, but we offer party dish plates from our partner restaurants.
How about a unique Kochi dishes? Reservations are required in advance, so we recommend that you make a reservation prior to your stay. 
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★刺身&組物 2皿
2~3人前 8,500円
4~5人前 12,000円
※刺身 OR 組物(惣菜&田舎寿司)だけもOK 



Sawachi-Plate at Yano Fresh Fish Shop
Reservations required 2 days in advance, closed on Mondays

When it comes to Kochi, this is it! A dish called Sawachi is one of the representative dishes of Kochi. It is an indispensable part of Kochi's culture as a dish to entertain guests, using an abundance of delicacies from the sea and mountains on a large plate. However, it is also a dish that cannot be found just by traveling around, so be sure to try it for yourself!
*Reservations may be closed during busy times (such as Obon, around 11-15 August and New Year's). If there is anything you do not want us to include or would like us to include (e.g., bonito tataki, bonito sashimi), please list it in the "Other" column. Please note, however, that we may not be able to meet your request due to seasonal reasons. Please note that we cannot accommodate allergy requests.
要予約5日前 ※シェフの予定により対応できない可能性もございます。

4人前 12,000円



Hatake no Tamatebako Sawachi (vegan friendly sawachi plate) 
Reservations required 5 days in advance *May not be available due to the chef's schedule.

Sawachi cuisine, made entirely from plant-based ingredients, has been upgraded and restarted! The food is so satisfying and delicious you won't believe it's only made from plant-based ingredients! Instead of the subdued flavours of vegetarian cuisine, the food is full of flavour and filling. And yet it is low in cholesterol and high in protein! The colourful temari box is made from a wealth of local vegetables. You can also enjoy Kochi's unique 'vegetable sushi'. Please enjoy a dish that can only be tasted at our vacation rental!
要予約2日前 不定休※出張出店などで対応不可の日あり。

3~4人前 5,000円
4~5人前 6,000円



Akichan Karaage's Tosa Hachikin Jidori Chicken Karaage plate
Reservations required 2 days in advance  
*The plate may not be available due to business trips and other reasons. We will confirm if we can accommodate your request by asking about your desired date.

The plate of Tosa Hachikin Jidori and Shimanto Chicken, brand-name chickens from Kochi Prefecture. Even though it is called karaage, it is not the usual fried chicken, but a plate with a wide variety of fried chicken, including chicken wings, chicken wing tulips, fried chicken skin, fried gizzards, and fried breast meat skewers. It even comes with brown beans, perfect for a snack! Even children love this dish.
1)オードブル予約希望日/ The request date you would like to reserve the plate. *
2)オードブル配達希望時間/ The time you would like to have the party plate. *
3)ご希望のさわちオードブル(複数回答可)The dishes you would like to order *
4)その他ご希望やご質問(自由記載)/ Other requests or conserns 
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